Welcome to Nuggets of Gold
Established February 2020

It is my pleasure to introduce you to my monthly blog entitled “Nuggets of Gold.” During the Great Gold Rush of the mid-1800s, many people swarmed to the west in search of nuggets of gold. They thought that money would make them happy. But actually, there is something much more valuable than money. That which we value the most is good health (physically, mentally, and emotionally), a good marriage and a happy family.
This blog is designed to help you achieve those goals in your life. Each blog post will be a nugget of gold to help you grow personally, improve your marriage, or grow in your parenting skills. Plus, each post will contain some spiritual truths as well because building a loving relationship with your Heavenly Father is the best way to grow in each of these areas. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (NIV).
Below you will find each of the blog posts categorized in one of these three areas along with the title and publishing date of the blog. You can also easily jump to the most recent blog. Only one blog post will be published per month giving you plenty of time to reread each post and set up goals to practice the suggestions made in that blog.
May God bless you as you take each nugget of gold and allow it to enrich your life.
David Nofziger
David Nofziger has been the director and lead counselor at Hope Alive Counseling Services in Defiance since 1989 and author of “Brain Washed, Transforming Your Self-Image through the Amazing Love of God.” He and his wife, Sue, attend Family Christian Center in Defiance where they head up the church’s mission program. Visit HopeAliveCounseling.com for more information.

BRAIN WASHED Transforming Your Self-Image Through the Amazing Love of God, by David Nofziger.
If you enjoy “Nuggets of Gold,” I would like to recommend this book to you which brings you an entire pot of gold. This pot of gold is not at the end of an imaginary rainbow, but is found in the transforming power of the love of God.
The key to fulness of life is discovering who we are in Christ. Our self-image is one of the most important factors affecting our growth and wellbeing, and we need a Christ-Centered Self-Image. In this book you will learn how to allow the truth of God’s love to penetrate deep into your heart and transform you in such a way that you take on the “Image of Christ.”
All profits from books that are sold through the Hope Alive Counseling Website go to counseling scholarships for clients with financial needs.
Blogs posts by category:
Fear Not – March 24, 2020 (Anxiety)
Feeling Stressed by the Coronavirus? – April 1, 2020 (Stress)
My Best Friend – May 1, 2020 (Self-Acceptance)
Self-fulfilling Prophecies – September 1, 2020 (Low Self-esteem)
Knowing God’s Love at a Heart Level – November 1, 2020 (God’s love)
We Need to Talk – March 1, 2020 (Communication)
Date Your Mate – July 1, 2020 (Dating and Connecting)
Passing the Baton – October 1, 2020 (Communication and Respect)
Men are Unilateral Women are Bilateral – December 1, 20202 (Differences that cause conflict)
The Art of Discipline – June 1, 2020 (Parenting)
Mastering the Checkup Time – August 1, 2020 (Parenting)
I have you down to receive email reminders when I post the monthly blog. Thanks. Dave